
About Bryophytes
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We would like to thank the following people and organizations for their assistance. The project would not have been possible without them!

Lebby Balakshin: logistical support.

Bamfield Marine Science Centre: use of facilities and permission to carry out the project at the Centre.

Ying Chang: field assistance and identification of specimens.

Rian Dickson: for familiarizing us with the BMSC and field assistance.

Shona Ellis: advice on experimental design, field assistance, training of students in bryophyte identification, and identification of specimens.

Dr. Sean Graham: logistical support and advice on experimental design.

Sarah Inkster: logistical support.

Linda Jennings: identification of specimens, help with submission of specimens to the herbarium.

Steven Joya: field assistance and identification of specimens.

Allen Liu: field assistance, and identification of specimens.

Veronica Oxtoby: logistical support.

Fred Sack: assistance in obtaining funding for the project.

Dr. Wilf Schofield: advice on experimental design, training of students in bryophyte identification, and identification of specimens.

Elaine Simons: logistical support.

Anne Stewart: liason with the BMSC and logistical support.

UBC Botany Department: major source of funding.

Daniel van Aswegen: graphics editing, help with the website design and scripting.

Dr. Mark Vellend: logistical support, provision of equipment, and advice on experimental design.

Last updated: 07-Aug-2008 10:33 AM
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