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The “Bryophytes of Bamfield” website represents the culmination of a class project undertaken by students in BOTA505B, a field course in plant diversity in British Columbia, Canada. This course was offered to graduate students in Botany at the University of British Columbia by course coordinators Dr. Mark Vellend and Dr. Sean Graham over the academic year of 2006-2007. Intended as an introduction to the great botanical diversity of British Columbia, students in this course learned not only about native bryophytes but also about terrestrial and aquatic vascular plants, fungi and protists.

Students taking BOTA505B researched and planned all aspects of the class project, including the design of the research questions and methods, the logistics of the field work, and the use of the facilities at the Bamfield Marine Science Center (BMSC). All students participated in the bryophyte sampling over an intensive 3-day weekend at BMSC in February 2007, and in the identification of collected bryophyte specimens. Students then worked on individual research or write-up tasks to prepare material for the website.

Graduate (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) students in Botany who worked on this project are:

Anne Bjorkman
Scott Black
Yu Ti Cheng
Tina Chou
Hannes Dempewolf
Emily Drummond
Anna Gangaeva
Sung Soo Kim
Angela Knopp
Rui Liu
Carolyn Marshall
Catherine Roy
Tabea Weihmann

Many thanks to everyone involved for their work on this project!

Last updated: 07-Aug-2008 10:33 AM
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