Transects Summary

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Transect 1 | Transect 2 | Transect 3 | Transects Summary

Transect data do not include smaller species such as Cephaloziella sp. Some species were also not identified and cannot be included.

The following table (Table 1) shows the relative percent of ground covered by each species. These values are calculated from the total relative abundance and the total area of all three transects, and can be used as an estimate for how much of the ground is covered by each bryophyte species. The total relative abundance indicates that few species are very common. Each plot has largely the same few species, such as Eurhynchium oreganum. The remainder of species are not common in the plots, giving low frequency numbers.

Table 1. Frequency data illustrating relative
abundance of common species found at Bamfield.


Relative abundance over all transects

Antitrichia curtipendula

0.15 %

Bazzania denudata

1.16 %

Calypogeia sphagnicola

0.04 %

Calypogeia muelleriana

1.92 %

Cephalozia sp.

2.06 %

Dicranella heteromalla

0.10 %

Dicranum scoparium

0.42 %

Diplophyllum albicans

0.40 %

Eurhynchium oreganum

15.60 %

Eurhynchium praelongum

3.17 %

Frullania nisquallensis

0.40 %

Herbertus aduncus

0.06 %

Hookeria lucens

0.13 %

Hylocomium splendens

6.38 %

Hypnum circinale

0.17 %

Isothecium myosuroides

4.63 %

Lepidozia reptans

0.29 %

Pellia sp.

2.40 %

Plagiochila porelloides

0.65 %

Plagiothecium undulatum

1.63 %

Rhizomnium glabrescens

3.27 %

Rhytidiadelphus loreus

3.10 %

Riccardia latifrons

1.40 %

Scapania bolanderi

3.58 %

Sphagnum sp.

1.60 %

Last updated: 07-Aug-2008 10:58 AM
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