Forest | Bog | Seashore Transect 1 | Transect 2 | Transect 3 | Transects Summary (Note: Plot 7 was absent from these analyses.) Transect 1 had 18 species in total, 3 of which only occurred in a single plot (15 species in >1 plot). Most of the species were found only in a few plots, and if species are arranged against plots in a table 71.9% of cells are left empty. Table 1 contains the species found in Transect 1, and also gives the mean relative abundance for each species over the entire transect. For example, even the most common bryophyte in this transect (Hylocomium splendens) had only a mean relative abundance of 13.4%. Table 1. Transect 1 species summary statistics.
Last updated: 07-Aug-2008 10:58 AM