Patrick, Sam, and Teaghan check out the Saccharina from Louis' boat in Bamfield (Fall Program 2012)
Cymathere triplicata
Patrick showing off this beautiful kelp, cast ashore at Deadman's Bay, San Juan Island, WA (Summer 2011)
Team Australia
Kyra, Mark Denny, and Patrick pose before jumping in the water near Perth, Australia. On the hunt for coralline algae (what else!) (December 2012)
Metamastophora flabellata
Check out this 'arborescent coralline' that Patrick found near Perth. This is an erect, weakly-calcified coralline alga that lacks joints altogether. Beautiful conceptacles! (December 2012)
Botany curling bonspiel
Becca and Laura put on their game-faces. (January 2010)
The expert curler
Becca demonstrates her curling expertise (and obsession).
Go "Curling Corallines"
After coming in last place the previous year, this year we were in the semi-finals! Thanks to Laura, Becca, Patrick, Monika, and Eli (January 2010)
Big wave day at Prasiola Point, Bamfield, BC
In search of seaweeds, Patrick and Kevin are nonplussed by the threatening waves (July 2009)
Biomechanics in the field
Patrick sets up the portable tensometer to measure material properties of seaweeds collected near Pt. Lonsdale, South Australia. (July 2009)
Gobs of Soranthera
Laura poses with an Odonthalia covered with tons and tons of epiphytic Soranthera. Photo taken on West Beach, Hakai, BC (August 2011)
The joy of seaweeds
Patrick enjoys collecting seaweeds cast ashore on West Beach, Hakai, BC (June 2011)
Impromptu seaweed lesson
Patrick gives a guest lecture to Brian Starzomski's Coastal Biodiversity class at Hakai, BC. For you keeners: the coralline crust on the little cobble is Lithothamnion phymatodeum (June 2011)
A day in the life of an intertidal phycologist
Patrick searches for seaweeds along the shores of Hakai, BC (August 2011)
Seaweed paradise
A rich diversity of intertidal seaweeds draped along a remote coastline of Vancouver Island near Kyuquot, BC. (Summer 2009)
Another big wave day at Prasiola Point
Patrick, Katie, and Kevin move to higher ground as waves crash over the wall at Prasiola Point, Bamfield, BC. (Summer 2009)
Fieldwork at Botanical Beach
Katie prepares to stain coralline algae at Botanical Beach to monitor growth rates in the field. (Summer 2010)
Up close and personal
Katie plunges her hands into the frigid water to apply a vital stain to corallines living in tidepools. The stain serves as a time-stamp to help monitor growth rates. (Summer 2010)
Giddy fieldworkers at Botanical Beach
Armed with Calcofluor White and marine epoxy, Katie and Patrick hope to determine rates of growth and calcium carbonate deposition of intertidal corallines. (Summer 2010)
Strike a pose
One of Fiona's jobs was to point at the recently-stained corallines in photos, so that we could find them again months later. Imagine a series of photos like this with Fiona pointing… (Summer 2010)
A man with his seaweed
Patrick was thoroughly content with his pail and his handful of Metagoniolithon. Photo taken at the house of Dr. Gerry Kraft, Pt. Lonsdale, South Australia. (Summer 2009)
Ocean Acidification Lab at Friday Harbor
By manipulating the temperature and pH of seawater in her experiments, Becca is studying the effect of climate change on seaweed physiology. Matt George and Moose O'Donnell (Carrington Lab) work hard in the background. (Summer 2012)
Calliarthron tuberculosum
Tidepools teeming with Calliarthron can be found at Sombrio Beach, BC. (March 2013)
Sombrio Beach
Katy and Patrick exploring Sombrio Beach at low tide. Bossiellas, Corallinas, Chiharaea, oh my! (March 2013)