The Martone Lab

Biomechanics, evolution, and ecophysiology of marine macroalgae







Patrick Martone  

Dr. Patrick T. Martone (he / him)

Professor, UBC (2019-present)

Associate Professor, UBC (2013-2019)

Assistant Professor, UBC (2008-2013)

Post-doctoral Scholar, Stanford University (2007-2008)

PhD, Stanford University (2001-2007)

BS, Duke University (1994-1998)

Email pmartone(at)

Alana Breitkreutz  

Alana Breitkreutz, PhD student

Research interests: Biomechanical and developmental aspects of blade tearing in kelps; effects of branching and blade splitting on reconfiguration and drag

Email alana.breitkreutz(at)

Elliot Porcher  

Elliot Porcher, PhD student (he / him)

Research interests: Coralline algal physiology in response to environmental stress; physiological mechanisms of recovery and resistance; causes and consequences of bleaching in algae

Email elliot.porcher(at)

Varoon P  

Varoon P. Supratya, PhD student

Research interests: Individual and interactive effects of environmental stressors, particularly nutrients, water flow, and temperature, on kelp physiology

Email varoonp (at)

Varoon P  

Emma Jourdain, PhD student

Research interests: Coralline algal calcification and decalcification mechanisms; coralline transcriptomics; effect of climate stress on coralline algal physiology

Email ejourdai (at)


Ruby Burns, MSc student

Research interests: Biomechanics and developmental allometry of kelp holdfasts; phenotypic plasticity of attachment mechanisms to flow  

Email rubylvburns (at)

Varoon P  

Allison Dummel, Kelp Restoration Technician

Research interests: Lab-based kelp aquaculture; restoration of local kelp beds; impact of temperature and salinity stress on kelp development  

Email allison.dummel (at)


Lab Alumni

Varoon P  

Maisie Musor, MSc 2023 (she / her)

Research interests: Macroalgal adhesives; biochemistry and biomechanics of macroalgal spore and holdfast attachment

Liam Coleman  

Dr. Rachael Wade (she / her)

Post-doctoral Hakai Scholar, 2021-2023

Research interests: Taxonomy and biogeography of coralline algal species, especially in the genus Corallina  

Email rmw104 (at)

personal website

Brenton Twist  

Dr. Brenton Twist

Post-doctoral Hakai Scholar, 2020-2023

Research interests: Coralline algal ecology, community dynamics, and ecosystem services. Effects of environmental and biotic interactions on community composition. Settlement induction of macroalgal spores and invertebrate larvae by different coralline species.

Email brenton.twist(at)

Matt Whalen  

Dr. Matt Whalen (he / him)

Post-doctoral Hakai Scholar, 2017-2022

Research interests: Influences of environmental variation on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning across scales

Email mwhalen (at)

Liam Coleman  

Dr. Liam Coleman, PhD 2021

Research interests: Morphological plasticity of seaweeds in response to environmental stresses, particularly water velocity;

Lauran Liggan  

Lauran Liggan, MSc 2016, Lab Manager 2019-2021 (she / her)

Research interests: Development and biomechanics of buoyant pneumatocysts in the bull kelp Nereocystis; long-term monitoring of the harvested seaweed, Pyropia abbottiae

Email liggan.l(at)

Jenn Clark  

Dr. Jenn Clark (she / her)

Post-doctoral Hakai Scholar, 2018-2020

Research interests: Effects of climate change on life history stages and traits of seaweeds; photophysiology; population genetics and connectivity of seaweeds

Soren Huber  

Soren (Huber) Schipper, MSc 2020 (she / her)

Research interests: Morphological adaptation and phenotypic plasticity of marine macroalgae; taxonomy of cryptic species, particularly coralline algae

Email saladsoren(at)

Jan Xue  

Jan Xue, MSc 2020 (she / her)

Co-supervisor: Lacey Samuels

Research interests: Evolution of enzymes involved in cell wall biosynthesis, particularly CesA; transforming Arabidopsis to test the function of algal genes

Email jiany23(at)

Sam Starko  

Dr. Sam Starko, PhD 2019

Research interests: Evolutionary ecology of kelps; using phylogenetic methods to investigate the evolution of biomechanical, morphological, and ecological traits

Email samuel.starko(at)

Kyra janot  

Dr. Kyra Janot, PhD 2018 (she / her)

Research interests: Convergent evolution of joints in articulated coralline algae, linking biomechanical properties to chemical composition of cell walls

Email kyrajanot(at)

Laura Borden  

Laura Borden, MSc 2018

Research interests: Effect of temperature and urchin grazing on growth and recovery of Agarum kelp beds; resilience of microscopic kelp gametophytes

Tiff Stephens  

Dr. Tiff Stephens

Post-doctoral scholar, 2016-2017

Research interests: Effects of thallus morphology and water motion on carbon and nitrogen metabolism; nutrient partitioning within seaweed communities, particularly facilitation within host-epiphyte pairs

Email tiffanybot(at)

personal website

Katy Hind  

Dr. Katy Hind

Post-doctoral Hakai Scholar, 2013-2016

Research interests: Evolution, taxonomy, and biogeography of coralline algae; polyploidy and speciation

Email katy.hind(at)

Rebecca Guenther  

Dr. Rebecca Guenther, MSc 2012 and PhD 2016

Research interests: Ecophysiology of calcified coralline algae in response to environmental stress and climate change

Jenn jorve  

Dr. Jennifer Jorve, PhD 2015

Co-supervisor: Chris Harley

Research interests: Effects of climate change on marine flora and fauna; influence of habitat-forming species on associated communities

Laura Anderson  

Laura Anderson, MSc 2012

Research interests: Ecological costs and benefits of host-epiphyte relationships, especially with regards to predation and biomechanics

Email anderson.lauramarie(at)


Interested in joining the Martone Lab?

We are always on the lookout for bright, creative students who are inspired by seaweeds and want to understand how life "works." We strive for a diverse lab community and welcome applications from under-represented and racialized minority students. To discuss possibilities of joining the lab, send Patrick an email.


Department of Botany, University of British Columbia

3529-6270 University Blvd, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4 CANADA

Rm 3224, Biological Sciences Building

604-822-9338 (PTM office), 604-822-9413 (lab)