About me...
Isn't life great? Definitely worth studying, anyway. And so it's also worth teaching, which is where I come in.
I teach first-year biology, including BIOL 111, BIOL 121 (CSP), and Science One. People often "Ugh!" at the thought, but it's my perfect job!
I feel like its an amazing coincidence to be paid for something so rewarding and fun. I also teach BIOL 240, a second-year cell-biology laboratory, and various other
courses when the need arises. Here's me (with the sunglasses) with a group of Science One students at Bamfield Marine Station
(Most of us were collecting fungi, but Ben is peeling slug-slime off his tongue. Don't ask.)
Click to go to Science One.
In addition to 17 year old humans, I also work with an enigmatic little group of stramenopiles (that's a large lineage of eukaryotic organisms that includes diatoms, kelp, and various other things.) The Labyrinthulomycota are marine slime molds responsible for general decomposition in the marine ecosystem. Although they are relatively common, little is known about the basic biology of these organisms.
Click here to read more about my research.
If you'd like to contact me, the best way is via e-mail at cleander(at)interchange.ubc.ca.
My office is in the Biological Sciences Building, room 1119. (If you're trying to find it for the first time, may the force be with you.) Better yet, phone first (604 827-5608) and I'll give you directions.