CAN-TILL Projects

projects include Ecotilling in Populus
trichocarpa (black cottonwood), and TILLING in Arabidopsis, the vegetable crop
Brassica oleracea, and in the
soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.

The Brassica
project was initially funded as part of two oilseed
initiatives funded by Genome Canada/Genome Alberta (Designing
Oilseeds for Tomorrow's Markets), and AVAC (Bioactive Oils Programme), and subsequently through funding
from the Alberta Innovates Phytola Centre led by Dr. Randall
Weselake. The goals of these projects were to use TILLING to identify endogenous mutations that
affect oil content, seed coat characteristics and levels of
anti-nutritional factors. It is anticipated that the results of
this research will enhance the overall usefulness of canola
seed, leading to improved meal for food and animal feed
applications, and diversified seed oil content for nutritional
and industrial uses. We have generated a population of
approximately 3000 EMS-mutagenised B. napus lines for
TILLING, and have identified mutations in a number of genes
requested by researchers. The mutation rate for our population
is approximately 1 mutation per 100Kb. This should allow the
identification of several null or deleterious alleles for each
gene screened.
courtesy of Canola
Council of Canada
For canola TILLING data please go here:
napus TILLIG data (or email
Link to publications arising from this project: 

Brassica oleracea TILLING
A past project, TILLING for mutations in
the vegetable crop species Brassica oleracea,
identified mutations that are thought to play a role in
plant response to abiotic stresses that particularly
affect crop yield in Canada. These include elements such
as temperature, drought and nutrient imbalance. Phase one
of this project involved TILLING in Arabidopsis
homologues of Brassica genes that were thought to
be important in abiotic stress responses in these crop
species. The second phase of the project involved TILLING
in Brassica oleracea, a species closely related to
the commercially important crop, Brassica napus.
Link to
publications arising from this project: 
Photo from
Brassica genetics for the classroom

Zetka MC, et al. 1999. Genes and
Development 13:2258-2270.
C. elegans is a well-established model
system ideal for genetic and molecular investigations into
biological processes. The complete nematode genome sequence
has been available for some time, and powerful in silico
techniques have been developed for the prediction of gene
function, expression and interaction. Despite the exciting
possibilities flowing from predictions of structure/function
relationships and the mapping of gene networks, the testing
of these predictions relies largely on the existence of
efficient reverse genetic approaches that target specific
genes or classes of genes in vivo.
Our C. elegans pilot project is a
collaboration with Monique Zetka, at McGill University,
who has identified a target group of ~100 genes whose RNAi
phenotype, expression profile, protein interaction data, or
sequence homology has implicated them in genome surveillance,
or chromosome segregation.
assistance from Ann Rose and Nigel O'Neil at UBC, we have
generated a library of purified genomic DNA from an
EMS-mutagenised population of C. elegans and have
demonstrated that the DNA can be used to effectively TILL for
mutations in defined genes. We hope that the TILLING
population we have generated will allow us to bring this
valuable reverse genetic tool to the C. elegans
research community in the near future.
Link to publications arising
from this project:
The first tree to have it's
genome sequenced is the western black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa. This tree has a natural
range that spans from Alaska to southern California, and
from the Pacific Coast into interior mountain ranges in
British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. As a first step
towards analyzing genetic variation in this species, a live
reference collection of P. trichocarpa has been established at the University of British
Columbia (UBC) that includes trees from more than 140
different populations (see map).
We have used
Ecotilling for the first time as a SNP discovery tool in a
species that is long-lived, dioecious and genetically
heterogeneous. SNP variation was examined at nine different
loci in individuals from 41 different populations distributed
throughout most of the P. trichocarpa range. Variation was
analyzed both within a single tree (heterozygosity) as well as
between individual trees and a reference, P. trichocarpa
383-2499 (Nisqually-1), whose genome has been sequenced. The
availability of a sequenced genome made it possible to direct
our attention to candidate genes of interest, providing an
unprecedented view of genetic variation at multiple loci in
this species. This pilot study shows that the level of
nucleotide diversity in P. trichocarpa makes it theoretically
possible to examine regions of 1000 to 1500 base pairs (bp) in
96 individuals or more on a single gel.
Link to publications
arising from this project:
This project was a
collaboration with Quentin Cronk (Centre for Plant Research and
Botanical Garden, UBC) and the Genome BC Forestry Genomics

Through collaboration with the Seattle TILLING Project, we used the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a tool for examining plant
gene function through reverse genetics. We were able to
provide researchers in the Genome Prairie Abiotic Stress
group and the Genome B.C. Forestry Genomics group with a
total of 171 mutations in 20 different genes that may be
commercially important in agriculture or forestry. This
project is completed.

Last updated 14-09-19
by Erin Gilchrist.