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Curriculum Vitae

Education and Employment | Research and Publications | Community and Comments

Grants and Awards

$50 000 pending Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund. A Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Opportunities Database. University of British Columbia. Winter 2005.
$2 000 Skylight Grant for Science Teaching and Learning. Expansion of the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Database. Faculty of Science, University of British Columbia. Spring 2005.
$5 000 Skylight Grant for Science Teaching and Learning. A Database for Undergraduate Research Opportunities. Faculty of Science, University of British Columbia. Spring 2004.
$120 000 for stipend, tuition, research materials over a tenure of 4 years. NIH Training Grant in Molecular Mycology. University of Georgia. 1997-2001.
$5 000 Doctoral Research Improvement Grant. Botany Department, University of Georgia. 1999.
$1 000 Small grant for Graduate Research. Botany Department, University of Georgia. 1998.
$1 000 Joseph S. Woolford, M.D. Rotary Club of Eureka Student Fellowship. Humboldt State University. 1995.
$1 000 Foundation League scholarship. College of the Redwoods. 1992.

Manuscripts in Preparation

Leander, C. A three step strategy for inquiry-based lecture. (For National Biology Teacher).

Refereed Publications

Leander, C., D. Porter, and B. Leander. 2004. Comparative morphology and molecular phylogeny of aplanochytrids (Labyrinthulomycota). European Journal of Protistology. 40: 317:328.

Leander, C. and D. Porter. 2001. The Labyrinthulomycota is comprised of three distinct lineages. Mycologia. 93: 459-464.

James, T.Y., D. Porter, C. Leander, R. Vilgalys, and J. Longcore. 2000. Molecular phylogenetics of the Chytridiomycota supports the utility of ultrastructural data in chytrid systematics. Canadian Journal of Botany, 78: 1-15.

Leander, C. and D. Porter. 2000. Redefining the genus Aplanochytrium (Phylum Labyrinthulomycota). Mycotaxon 76: 439-444.


Leander, C. 2001. Phylogeny of the Labyrinthulomycota. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Leander, C. 1997. Xenotransplantation of adrenal glands from fetal rats to adult hamsters. Masters Thesis. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA.

Invited Presentations

C. Leander. October, 2005. Alpha-Delta-Pi sorority. Learning strategies for university success.

C. Leander. September, 2004. Humanities 101 - Outreach program to the homeless. Learning to Learn.

C. Leander. April, 2002. Humboldt Bay Mycological Society, Arcata, CA, USA. Fungi with an F - why it's cool to be alternative.

C. Leander and Porter, D. July, 1999. International Marine Mycology Symposium, Hong Kong. Continued investigation into the phylogeny of the Labyrinthulomycota.

Meeting Presentations

C. Leander and D. Porter. August, 2000. Mycological Society of America, Burlington, VT, USA. The Labyrinthulomycota form three phylogenetic groups based on morphological and small subunit rDNA sequence data.

C. Leander. August, 2000. International Society for Evolutionary Protistology, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. The Labyrinthulomycota form three phylogenetic groups based on morphological and ssrDNA sequence data.

C. Leander and D. Porter. August, 1998. International Society for Evolutionary Protistology, Flagstaff, AZ, USA. Phylogeny of the stramenopilous phylum, Labyrinthulomycota based on ssrDNA gene sequences.

D. Porter, T.Y. James, C. Leander, K. ODonnell, R. Vilgalys, and J. Longcore. August, 1998. Mycological Society of America, San Juan. Phylogeny of chytrid fungi inferred from nuclear ribosomal gene sequences.

C. Leander and D. Porter. August, 1997. Mycological Society of America, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Phylogenetic assessment of Labyrinthula spp., thraustochytrids, and other basal stramenopiles based on ssrDNA gene sequences.

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