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Welcome to the DeWreede lab!

Our research is primarily concerned with the ecology of marine intertidal environments, and we use observational and manipulative field experiments as well as modeling  to understand the biology of species, populations, and communities of seaweeds and marine invertebrates.

We are based out of the Botany Department at the University of British Columbia, and the UBC Centre for Biodiversity Research. Most of our research is undertaken through the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre.

Use the links above to navigate around our site, and we hope you enjoy your stay!

Recent Publications from the members of the DeWreede Lab

Bates, C.R. and R.E. DeWreede 2007 Do changes in seaweed biodiversity influence invertebrate epifauna? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 344: 206-214.

Bates, C.R., G. Scott, M. Tobin, and R. Thompson (2007) Weighing the costs and benefits of reduced sampling resolution in biomonitoring studies: Perspectives from the rocky intertidal. Biological Conservation 137: 617-625.

Dyck, L.J. and R.E. DeWreede. 2006 Reproduction and survival in Mazzaella splendens (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). Phycologia 45: (accepted November, 2005)

Salomon, A.K., J.L. Ruesink and R.E. DeWreede. 2006 Population viability, ecological processes and biodiversity: Valuing sites for reserve selection. Biological Conservation 128: 79-92.

Last update: March 23, 2006                   If you encounter any problems with this site, please contact the webmaster.