steps in the infection cycle of the wheat leaf rust fungus, Puccinia
triticina, on wheat, Triticum aestivum, leaves
infection structure. A germinated urediospore
has formed an appressorium over a leaf stoma in a penetration attempt. Note the
cytoplasm has moved into the appressorium leaving an empty collapsed spore
behind (scanning electron micrograph;
courtesy of Dr.
(cartoon by K. Mendgen, From 'Introductory Mycology',
with permission from John Wiley & Sons,
infection. Arrows indicate rust haustoria inside leaf cells
(fluorescence light microscopic picture).
infection by one rust spore on a wheat leaf.
Mycelium is spreading from point of invasion (stoma; left panel).
resistant reaction of wheat leaf cells against a rust invasion (arrow). Plant
cells produce anti-microbial compound which fluoresce under the conditions used
for this microscopic picture (right panel). Pictures courtesy of Dr.